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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission

Covid-19: Important Notice

Based on the current directives on travel restrictions, due to the medical emergency related to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), we strongly advise everyone in need of returning to their country of origin to contact the local Consulate and Embassies

Remember that EURES Advisers will always be available to support you in case of emergency.

We strongly recommend you to follow the directives of the local authorities.

YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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This website - property of 'Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale' - has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.