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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission

Register your company

Are you seeking a talented employee in Europe? Submit your company to find the perfect match
All information marked with a * are required. Before you start filling the form make sure you have access to all the mandatory information (such as your company's VAT, legal information, and a referent's contact details).
This is the email you will use from now on to access the platform
Password must be at least 12 characters and must include at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 symbol and 1 number.

Legal information

Please enter your VAT number (registration code for tax purposes)


To apply, Employers must be legally established in the EU28 and the EFTA/EEA countries (Iceland and Norway).
Within Reactivate, only Employers established in the EU28 can apply.
Please specify the economic sector of your enterprise
Please choose the NACE code (statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community) referring to your business sector.
Start from the topmost drop-down list, then proceed with the others; use all three drop-down lists, if available. Type any keyword or a part of it to search for the appropriate voice.
Please choose the NACE code (statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community) referring to your business sector. Start from the topmost drop-down list, then proceed with the others; use all three drop-down lists, if available. Type any keyword or a part of it to search for the appropriate voice.
Please choose the NACE code (statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community) referring to the Employer's business sector. Start from the topmost drop-down list, then proceed with the others; use all three drop-down lists, if available. Type any keyword or a part of it to search for the appropriate voice.

Contact information

Referents details

Please provide the name of a representative to be contacted by our team
Please type the name (or part of it) of your YfEj / Reactivate adviser or organisation:
If you referent is not in the list please specify it here:

How did you learn about YfEj/Reactivate?

By saving and registering the above information you declare to accept our privacy policies, viewable:
- here for YfEj (applicable to 18-35 jobseekers)
- here for Reactivate (applicable to over 35 jobseekers)
YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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This website - property of 'Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale' - has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.