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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission

Your first Eures job: Contribution to youth mobility and professional growth - Inquiry Report

Your first Eures job: Contribution to youth mobility and professional growth - Inquiry Report


The YfEj project sustains and promotes professional mobility opportunities among young jobseekers between 18 and 35 years of age, while also assisting employers in researching specific professional profiles within the European jobs market. The sixth edition of the project (2019-2021), which has just come to an end, was led by the ANPAL EURES National Coordination Office in partnership with 12 EU Member States, 9 other National Coordination Offices, 15 partners (including, among others, Unioncamere and La Sapienza, University of Rome) as well as other European and national bodies and programmes, such as Eurodesk, Europass, Euroguidance and Erasmus +.

Among the project partners, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, presented, during the final event on April 21, the results of the survey conducted on participants in the 4.0; 5.0; 6.0 editions of YfEj.

The survey, aims to carry out an analysis of the targeted mobility projects to assess the extent of their contribution to the improvement of mobility and professional growth of the participants. Another primary aim is the assessment of the quality of support provided by the network of YfEj Advisers, drawing on the feedback given by recipients participating in the survey. It should be noted that by recipients we mean both young people looking for opportunities to enter / re-enter the world of work thanks to an experience in a country other than that of origin, and employers offering jobs, internships or apprenticeships. The two categories are considered as two distinct targets in the survey, specifically: the young job-seekers target and the employers target. Another aim of the survey is to draw some useful considerations from this long-standing experience for possible future developments of similar initiatives (learning).

The survey reached young participants and employers and investigated outcomes and satisfaction among all respondents. The results are very positive. YfEj proves to be an effective tool in accompanying young people in their experiences of working in another country. Experiences that are important for the personal and professional growth of individuals by improving their employability. In addition, YfEj has shown that it can promote in companies an open approach to diversity in human resources management.

To deepen the topic and read the results of the research, you can download the document both in > English and in > Italian.

YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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