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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission

EC Public consultation on YfEj

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on Your first EURES job initiative and options for future EU measures on youth intra-EU labour mobility.

The aim of this public consultation, which is published in all official EU languages, is to gather insights and contributions from different stakeholders of the European Economic Area (EEA), notably from the beneficiaries of the initiative, the implementers, labour market stakeholders and citizens.

The questionnaire focuses on the implementation of the initiative in the past and on possible scenarios for the future of YFEJ.


Your contribution is very important!

It will help understand your needs and design efficient and high-impact services in the future. So, please, take 10 minutes to give your opinion and participate in the construction of our shared future!


The survey questionnaire is translated into the EU languages and is open to citizens from the EU/EEA countries until the 22nd April 2016. It is available here.


For more information about the survey and the study carried out, please read the consultation document.

YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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This website - property of 'Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale' - has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.